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International School Hannover Region

Bruchmeisterallee 6, 30169, Hannover, Germany
Tel: (+49) 511 270 41650
Fax: (+49) 511 270 41651
Email: adminoffice@is-hr. de
Web site: http: // de


Director - Patricia Baier
Counselor - Karla Schmidt

Full time:   25 men, 42 women
Part time:   3 men, 7 women
Nationalities:  14   CURRICULUM AND EXAMS:

:   MYP, PYP, IB

Age Range: 3-19
Total Enrolment: 543
Nationalities: 31
295 boys, 248 girls
Kindergarten: 55
Reception: 29
Primary: 192
Secondary: 267

Day only: € 7230-€ 12430
Other Fees: Registration €2, 500
Learning Support Programme
The International School Hannover Region was founded in 1996 to serve the international community in the region of Lower Saxony. Control is vested in a non-profit corporation (GmbH) which is assisted by a School Board that includes elected parent and faculty representatives. Currently the school offers programs from kindergarten through grade 12 and is fully authorized to offer all three of the IB programmes.
The language of instruction is English with German taught as a foreign language from grade 2 and French and Spanish from grade 7. An ESL programme provides for students who are learning English, and support is given to students with mild learning disabilities. Art, music, and computer studies are integral parts of the school's education as is community service. An active extra-curricula programme offers a wide variety of sports, music, drama, IT and yearbook activities. Special non-credit instruction in Japanese is offered after school.
New students are accepted throughout the school year from expatriate families and at the beginning of each term from local applicants. The school attempts to accept all expatriate students for which it can offer a program. Local students wishing to enter are expected to demonstrate a particular interest in or need for an English-language or international education.
The International School Hannover Region is recognized as an Erganzungschule and receives support from the regional government. The campus consists of large classrooms, an auditorium, a sports suite, dining hall, science and computer laboratories, music rooms, a library and administrative offices. The school is located in the centre of the city in attractive, green surroundings with easy access by car, tram and bus from all parts of the city.
The school operates Monday through Friday between 08: 30 and 15: 10 from late August until the end of June. There are approximately 180 school days with regular vacations scheduled in October, at Christmas/New Year, and in the Spring. An active Parent-Teacher Organization supports the school and many parents are involved in the school as volunteers.