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British School of Ulaanbaatar

Address Post Office Box 80, Post Office Branch - 30
City Ulaanbaatar
State Mongolia
Postal Code 17110
Phone +976 11 347788
Grade Range EYFS-Y12
Min Grade EYFS
Max Grade Y13
School Type Cross Phase
Student Body Coed

The British School of Ulaanbaatar opened its doors in September 2012 to a student body which ranged years 1 to 9. The school has continued to expand and now the secondary school offers a full range of IGCSE examinations. In September 2015 the school will open its doors to its first cohort of GCE 'A' level students. 

The British School of Ulaanbaatar is modeled on the British International School system, offering a broad and challenging educational program to students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The British School of Ulaanbaatar is committed to inspiring students to achieve the highest standards of intellectual and personal achievement through a stimulating and comprehensive academic curriculum as well as through myriad extracurricular activities. Within a caring, respectful, multicultural environment, the school is committed to instilling in each student a desire to learn, to take appropriate risks, and to accept challenges. The school community is committed to developing students who are resilient, adaptable, and equipped with the knowledge, skills, and disposition to continue their education and become personally fulfilled, interdependent, and socially responsible adults. We are also committed to preparing Mongolians to become global citizens, capable not only of mastering their traditional language and script, but also knowledgeable about their own culture and history.

Head of School Jane Greenwood